Alexander N. Wilson

Racial Justice Seminar Resources

In 2020-2021 I co-organized a racial justice seminar for the Dartmouth math department. We met periodically over Zoom to discuss readings. This page summarizes the resources that Carolyn Gordon and I prepared for the seminar.

Discussion Guidelines

We formed the following guidelines for discussion as a group at the first session. Some guidelines were added or revised at subsequent sessions.
  1. "I" statements.
  2. Moderator will call on people in order if more than one person tries to speak at once.
  3. Abandon rank. Treat all as peers. Hear ideas, not authority.
  4. "Principle of Charity": Try to ascribe to each other the best possible intention.
  5. Avoid inflammatory/antagonistic language.
  6. Respectful anonymity. Avoid naming.
  7. Specifics are private to the group, but lessons can be shared.
  8. Step up and step back. (Make sure everyone has an opportunity to speak.)
  9. "Call in, not out": When someone says something that makes you uncomfortable, express your discomfort and invite them to say more.
  10. Allow yourself to step back and take a moment before responding.
  11. Express without trying to convince.
  12. Don't pressure anyone to share more than they might be comfortable sharing.


Materials Recommended by Members of the Department

What follows are resources that members of the department have engaged with and recommended to us.





This site was last updated on February 24, 2025. It was created using Jekyll with interactive components running on p5.js.